Sunday, October 25, 2009

first off, let me mention that fall break was too short. i wish i had a few more days at home to soak it all in...but alas, it's called reality for a reason. instead of writing out a lengthy list of all of the things i did over fall break, i'll save everyone from emitting drool and focus on one thing i did - which was finally seeing "where the wild things are". i sat down in front of the screen with an open mind about what the movie would be like. i read the book a million times as a kid and absolutely loooved it, but heard that the movie got really mixed reviews by the critics. from the beginning of the movie where max had a fit over his older sister's mean friends, i was emotionally tied to his character. he did such a great job playing the role. his voice, mischevious tantics, and wide-eyed, open mouth look was perfect. not to mention how adorable (and of course terrifying) the wolf costume looked on him. as for the wild things, they all seemed to be unique in their own way, just like in the book. alexander even reminded me of an amusing version of ramses, especially since his eyes were carolina blue. i definitely was not expecting the wild things to have such normal human voices. i figured since they were supposed to be like magical beasts, they would have a grunty or nasaly voice, so that was something i had to get used to...especially KW's voice. i did not expect her to be a girl, or to have such a youthful voice. the textures and images on the screen were all really cool, like when caroll and max are walking through the huge sandy dessert. the contrast between the wild things' man-made appearance of feathers, fur, and horns, along with the setting of a natural ocean shore was really appealing to the eye. overall, i did think the movie was actually really sad. the wild things always fought with each other, even after they had five minutes of happiness in the sleeping pile, so this part was kind of depressing for me. i can' decide if i feel that max brought them the happiness he promised to give them as king. the other thing that i'm still pretty torn up about is that the arcade fire's music never played! the trailer for the movie included their song "wake up", but itnever ever played in the movie. despite its little downfalls, "where the wild things are" is definitely worth seeing. it is a cute movie for kids and adults alike, and will even make some of you teenage boys tear up in the end. let the rumpus begin!

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